Episode 11 - Abraham’s First Misstep‬


Abraham and Sarah are seen as the Father and Mother of the Israelites. They were God-fearing and obedient, but they weren't perfect. This week's episode is about their first mistake and the consequences that came with it.


Abraham and Sarah were the Patriarch and Matriarch of the Israelites. In the New Testament, they are seen as pious, virtuous, and faithful followers of God. 

However, just like every other human being, they were not perfect. They too made mistakes, disobeyed God, lacked faith, and committed errors that had grave consequences. 

One of these mistakes, Abraham and Sarah’s first misstep, was taking their nephew Lot with them on their voyage to the land promised by God.

In the Old Testament, we learn everything about the consequences of this action, and we see Abraham and Sarah as who they truly were: complex, flawed, and completely human.

How did Abraham’s story start? How was his relationship with Lot? And how did that affect the fate of the People of Israel?

In this episode of The Bible You Thought You Knew, I answer all these questions and more. So tune in to learn about the true story behind Abraham’s first misstep!

Key points discussed

  • How it all began (00:51)

  • God appears to Abraham (08:13)

  • Abraham’s first mistake (12:03)

  • Abraham and Sarah - flawed humans (16:54)

Additional Resources

  • Do you have a question about the Bible or a topic you’d like to know more about? 

  • Yes? Then go ahead and leave a rating and a review! I’d be honored to hear your thoughts and answer your questions in the next episodes!

  • And if you want to unlock the secrets of Jesus’ precious words, make sure to subscribe now!


Episode 12 - The Road To Dothan: How God's Will Finds U‪s‬


Episode 10 - Jesus' Changing the Water into Win‪e‬