Episode 15 - Akedah: The Sacrifice of Isaac (Part1)
Towards the end of Abraham’s saga, in Genesis 22, God orders him to sacrifice The Child of Promise, his son, Isaac.
And although Abraham was not the one to stay silent when talking to God, this time, he complied, without uttering a single word.
That is how the story of the Akedah begins.
When the day of the sacrifice comes, Abraham gets everything ready, takes his son with him, and forges the path to the mountain where he has to sacrifice Isaac.
When they make it there, Abraham prepares himself to sacrifice The Child of Promise, but an Angel intervenes and stops it.
In the end, all of it was nothing more than a test by God. A test to see how faithful Abraham was, and he had passed it with flying colors.
And yet, as clear as we think this story is, there are still many mysteries to it.
Why did God order Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? Why did Abraham comply so easily? And how can we interpret this story?
In this episode of The Bible You Thought You Knew, I answer all these questions and more. So tune in to learn more about the story of the Akedah, how Abraham passed God’s test, and the importance of Abraham’s response to the test.
Key points discussed
A reading of Genesis 22 (02:08)
God’s test (6:39)
From Hebrew to English (09:15)
A modern look at the story (14:04)
Abraham stays silent (17:07)
Additional Resources
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