Episode 158 - Jesus’ Genealogy According to the Gospel of Matthew” (Matthew 1:1-17)
Episode Summary
Though we moderns find genealogies boring, the writer of this Gospel began his story with a genealogy. This genealogy does two things: (1) It puts Jesus squarely in Israelite/Jewish tradition. Jesus was as Jewish as one could get! Every name in this genealogy would have been familiar with the initial audience, people who knew Jesus’ Bible (the Christian Old Testament) quite well. (2) The second feature of this genealogy emphasizes Jesus’ kingship over Israel. That is why the only son of Jacob mentioned is Judah, his fourth son. But Judah was David’s ancestor. Plus, when David is named, his title of king is also mentioned. As well, keep in mind that this genealogy atypically features five women, four of whom—Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Uriah’s wife—were non-Israelites. Of course, the fifth woman was Mary, Jesus’ mother.
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