Episode 173 - The Resurrection of Jesus According to the Gospel of John
Episode Summary
This story is found in John 20—21. Mary Magdalen goes to the tomb, finds the stone rolled away, and dashes off to tell Simon Peter and another disciple. The two disciples run to the tomb themselves. They both notice graveclothes, but no corpse. The other disciple believed, but what he believed is unspecified. They then go home. Mary stays around and enters the tomb, whereupon she sees two angels. They want to know why she is crying. Right then Jesus appears, but is not recognized by Mary. Eventually, they speak and she recognizes him. She reports this to the other disciples. Later that day Jesus appears to the other disciples, showing them his hands and feet. They are pleased, but say nothing. Thomas is there later but doubt their report that Jesus is alive. He wants evidence. More than a week later, Jesus is with the disciples again, this time Thomas is present. Though invited to touch Jesus’ wounds, Thomas declares, “My Lord and my God.” In the last scene, Jesus prepares a breakfast of fish and bread for the disciples. Jesus’ offering of breakfast imitates Jesus previously feeding the multitude with fish and bread. The scene concludes when Jesus asks three times whether Peter loves him. Jesus says as much three times in response. Keep in mind that Peter had once betrayed Jesus by denying that he knew him three times.
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