Episode 3 - The Old Testament as the Word of God


In this episode, we further explore the origins of Jesus’ Bible, i.e. the Old Testament or Jewish Bible. We will dive deep into the early history of Jesus’ Bible and I’ll present evidence that unequivocally shows Jesus regarded the Old Testament as the scripture to be followed and revered.


In this episode, we further explore the origins of Jesus’ Bible, i.e. the Old Testament or Jewish Bible. We will dive deep into the early history of Jesus’ Bible and I’ll present evidence that unequivocally shows Jesus regarded the Old Testament as the scripture to be followed and revered. 

It is without any doubt that Jesus thought that he and the Old Testament God were one.  He thought from the Old Testament throughout his life and profoundly believed that the God of Abraham and Sarah was also his God.

So how come Christians today prefer the New Testament to the Old? And why did the Jewish people reject the Greek translation of their own Bible, that they themselves commissioned for translation?

These are the questions I’ll answer in this and episodes to come. We will see that some of the negative feelings towards the Old Testament stem from the fact that many of us don’t know the biblical text in all its glorious detail. 

However, as we move forward in our studies, we will come to understand the full depth and power of the Bible!

Key points discussed

  • Why are Hebrew and Greek translations seen differently? (00:48)

  • The New Testament evidence of Jesus’ attitude towards the Old (04:29)

  • Understanding how Christians see the Old and New Testament (09:35)

Additional Resources

  • Do you have a question about the Bible or a topic you’d like to know more about? 

  • Yes? Then go ahead and leave a rating and a review! I’d be honored to hear your thoughts and answer your questions in the next episodes!

  • And if you want to unlock the secrets of Jesus’ precious words, make sure to subscribe now! 

  • For more reading, check out my book The Faith of the Outsider: Exclusion and Inclusion in the Biblical Story!


Episode 4 - The Church as the New Israel (Part 1)


Episode 2 - The Truth About Jesus’ Bible