Episode 18 - David and Bath-Sheba


This week's episode discusses the story of how David and Bath-Sheba met, and the events that ensued after their affair.


In a previous episode, we went through the story of David and Goliath, and analyzed it, trying to truly understand the moral of it.

Today, we're doing the same, but with a more infamous story, one where David is the clear antagonist.

It's springtime, which means kings are going to war. However, David only sends his army, and stays in Jerusalem. This is a peculiar decision.

While his soldiers are at war, David meets Bath-Sheba, the wife of Uriah, an elite soldier under David's direct command. 

Her being married does not deter David, and so, he sleeps with her. Unfortunately, Bath-Sheba gets pregnant. 

Because her husband was not present, it would be obvious that the child was not his. 

To avoid scandal, David calls for Uriah back to Jerusalem, and tries to make him go home and sleep with his wife. 

However, this plan doesn't work. Instead of going home, Uriah sleeps by the palace's door, with the other servants.

Why did Uriah not go home to his wife? How did David respond? And what were the consequences of his affair with Bath-Sheba?

I answer all these questions and more in this week’s episode of The Bible You Thought You Knew, so tune in now to learn more!

Key points discussed

  • Spring, the time of war (01:31)

  • The introduction of Bath-Sebah (04:42)

  • David’s dilemma (07:22)

  • Uriah’s code of honor (10:22)

  • Uriah’s death (14:23)

  • God’s reaction to David’s evil deeds (18:51)

Additional Resources

  • Do you have a question about the Bible or a topic you’d like to know more about? 

  • Yes? Then go ahead and leave a rating and a review! I’d be honored to hear your thoughts and answer your questions in the next episodes!

  • And if you want to unlock the secrets of Jesus’ precious words, make sure to subscribe now!


Episode 19 - King David and the Prophet Natha‪n‬


Episode 17 - ‎Why Did Israel Have a Monarchy?